A review on Traditional Veterinary Medical PracticeS in Sri Lanka with special reference to Cattle Diseases

ERHSS Ediriweera*,NGAAS Nanayakkara,OTMRKSB Kalawana,YKSSL Sugathadasa

Department of Nidana Chikithsa, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo


Sri Lanka has well developed systems of traditional veterinary medicine. Unfortunately most of our people today, are unaware of these practices and they generally seek western modern veterinary medicinal assistance due to this unawareness and also for convenience in their busy lives. Hence, this study was undertaken to collect and preserve the old knowledge and practices. Data were gathered from traditional veterinary physicians in Central and Sabaragamuwa provinces, Olla leaves and text books. These physicians have a knowledge in identifying and treating diseases, preparation of medicines, mode of drug administration, burning of vital points (moxibustion), branding, and blood letting. Specific applications of metaphysical nature such as mystical diagrams and charms, ‘Yanthra’ or ‘Kem’ are also used. The striking feature of this treatment regimen is the incorporation of both physical (visible) and metaphysical (invisible) methods to treat diseases as preventive and therapeutic measures. The medicinal preparations consist of herbs, metals, minerals and animal products including milk products, eggs, bones, meat, spider web, anthill mud and human urine. It is also observed that the traditional veterinary medicinal practices; especially in treatment of cattle, are very diverse.

Key words: Cattle diseases, Traditional veterinary remedies, Sri Lanka

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Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533